More Geography - interactive map games |
Click on countries of Africa to find out their names |
Click on the correct country. You may
select regions. |
Drag the countries to the
correct places on the map.
(with regions) |
Drag the countries to the
correct places on the map.
(with regions) |
Click on the correct country. (no outlines given) |
Enter the first 3 letters of the name of the country |
Click on the continents and oceans of the world to find out their names. |
Click on the correct continent or ocean (you may select regions.) |
Drag each continent or ocean onto the map.
Type the first three letters of the continent
or ocean's name. |
Drag each country onto the map (countries disappear.) |
Click on the US states to find their names.
Click on the correct state. You may
select regions. |
Drag each state onto the map by region. |
Drag each state
onto the map. |
Click on the correct state (no outlines given). |
Type the first three letters of the state's name. |
Keep checking back! |
Drag each state onto the map (states disappear) |
Type the first three letters of the state's name
(no outlines given.) |
Pick the correct state
for the highlighted
capital, by region. |
Pick the correct state for the highlighted capital. |
Type the first three letters of the state capital's name. |
By playing Sheppard Software's geography games, you will gain a mental map of the world's continents,
countries, capitals, & landscapes! Learn the locations and names of all the countries in Africa with our fun and interactive games
for kids - and adults. Levels range from beginner to expert.